Thursday, December 31, 2009

Above All Else

It's the night before the dawn of 2010 and I'm feeling the warmth of the blessings of a tumultuous year.

Financial burdens were, as for most Americans, a source of angst. Anxiety, depression and strange physical aches and pains were persistent and voracious in their attack. And the stress of life, of living through the other things, was, at times, enormous.

But there was grace. Infinite and abundant glorious grace. And provision. Provision in a way that I have never before witnessed or recognized. God was here in 2009. He walked with me and carried me and provided for things I never saw coming. Despite the chaos, the worry, the stress, I will always remember 2009 as a year of immense blessings.

And now I watch and wait and listen. Because the one thing that I have learned, above all else during this crazy year, is that God provides in abundance and with glory. I look forward to 2010 with an almost giddy anticipation and anxiously wait to see God's grace in action.

Happy New Year.

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