Thursday, September 16, 2010

Official Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream Testing Date

I will be conducting a very scientific experiment to determine which is better - white mint chocolate chip ice cream or green mint chocolate chip ice cream - tomorrow afternoon, Friday, September 17th. All are welcome to attend.

Much thanks to Jeremy for suggesting this awesome testing idea! You are a true friend indeed. ;-)

And to those who are rooting for the underdog, white mint chocolate chip ice cream, good luck with that.

(What's even funnier is that I already have a label for "ice cream" on the blog. I rock.)


Marion said...

My vote will always be GREEN! Sorry I can't be there to help you with your science project. :-)

Dru'el the Chaotic said...

glad to be of service.
Go Green!

and of course, pictures welcome :)
we must document the procedings, for history, and Science!