Friday, October 15, 2010


It's a wonderful feeling. Being done the bulk of work on Thursday nights is always a relief. Sure, I have to write on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but the main push for writing is Monday through Thursday. So, Thursday, even at almost 2am, there is a welcome sigh of relief and a feeling of accomplishment.

It's been a busy week and an unusual one. I'm looking forward to a more familiar pace next week, even though the kids will be off from both co-ops next week and then off again the following Monday. I think I may need to call the super babysitter.

I did something wild and crazy tonight. I went to the movies. Yep, the actual movie theater....with cushiony chairs, sticky floors and the smell of slightly stale buttery popcorn. I took a couple of teachers to go see Waiting for Superman, the documentary on education reform in the US. It was actually for work, but, wow....good movie and a night out by myself. Super wild.

Well, before the clock strikes two and I turn into a slobbering mass of exhaustion at my desk, I will bid you goodnight. I hope you are all sound asleep on your cozy mattresses, dreaming of happy thoughts like green mint chocolate chip ice cream and cupcakes with sprinkles and too much icing. Happy Friday.

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